Protezione dei dati

Allianz Global Investors GmbH considers privacy to be a fundamental aspect of its business relationship with investors. Therefore, Allianz Global Investors GmbH is committed to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and security of its investors' personal information.

In the course of providing investors with products and services, Allianz Global Investors GmbH may obtain non-public personal information about them. ‘Non-public personal information’ is generally identifiable financial information about investors. For example, with regard to private investors, such information may include details regarding their bank account (such as the account balance and the account transaction history). This non-public personal information may come from various sources, including, but not limited to, application forms, verbal or written correspondence (including correspondence in an electronic format), transactions initiated by investors, and/or data captured on this Website.

Allianz Global Investors GmbH does not disclose non-public personal information to third parties, except as allowed by applicable rules and regulations. In particular, Allianz Global Investors GmbH reserves the right to disclose such information to law enforcement or regulatory authorities if required under law. In addition, with a view to effecting transactions that investors request or authorize, Allianz Global Investors GmbH may disclose the information it collects, as described above, to non-affiliated companies which perform administrative services on its behalf, such as custodian banks, fund administrators, registrars and transfer agents. These companies will use this information only to provide the services in relation to which they were appointed by Allianz Global Investors GmbH, and are not permitted to use or share this information for any other purpose.

Access to non-public personal information is restricted to those persons within Allianz Global Investors GmbH who need access to such information to provide products or services to investors. Accordingly, Allianz Global Investors GmbH maintains strict procedural safeguards to protect unauthorized use of this information.

Allianz Global Investors GmbH uses session cookies for the purpose of saving data relating to the management of a user session in the memory of the web browser on the user’s computer. By cookie it is meant the small text file that is stored on the hard disk of a computer by the web browser on the said computer. Such file contains information sent by the web server of the Website that a user has visited. The information derived from session cookies enables Allianz Global Investors GmbH to identify which areas of the Website are seemingly of more interest to users so that it can improve the Website and the information provided to users. The data which is stored via session cookies does not include any private information regarding the user, and is erased as soon as the browser is shut down. It is to be noted that most web browsers are set up in such a way that they automatically accept cookies. Users can, however, amend the configuration of the web browser on their computers so that they are systematically notified of any instance where the Websites that they are about to visit contain cookies.

Any queries regarding Allianz Global Investors GmbH's privacy policy should be directed towards the Data Protection Officer of the Allianz Global Investors Group, whose contact details are set out below:

Michaela Klein
c/o Allianz Global Investors GmbH
Bockenheimer Landstrasse 42-44
D-60323 Frankfurt am Main
phone: +49 (0) 69 2443 1 2478