Multi Asset

Allianz Global Investors believes that active asset allocation aimed at capturing excess returns when markets rally and reducing risk during times of market stress can help deliver improved outcomes for investors.

For more than two decades, Allianz Global Investors’ Multi Asset Group has used an approach that combines a systematic assessment with the insights of fundamental analysis with the dual objective of mitigating risks and enhancing return potential. The Multi Asset team manages a wide range of investment strategies, including Global Tactical Asset Allocation, Risk Management Overlay, Target Date/Target Risk, Liability Driven Investments, Multi Asset Liquid Alternatives, Risk Parity and Tail Risk Hedging. In each case, Allianz Global Investors seeks to improve outcomes for its investors through a rigorous investment process and advanced risk-management methods.

*Total assets under management are assets or securities portfolios, valued at current market value, for which Allianz Global Investors companies are responsible vis-á-vis clients for providing discretionary investment management decisions and portfolio management, either directly or via a sub-advisor (these include Allianz Global Investors assets which are now sub-advised by Voya IM since 25 July 2022). This excludes assets for which Allianz Global Investors companies are primarily responsible for administrative services only. Assets under management are managed on behalf of third parties as well as on behalf of the Allianz Group. Source: Allianz Global Investors. Any differences in totals are due to rounding. Assets under management (AUM). Diversification does not guarantee a profit or protect against losses. Please note that “Sustainability-focused” and “Impact-focused” are Allianz Global Investors product categories. Reference to a fund being within them does not indicate that fund has a “Sustainability Focus” or “Sustainability Impact” label under the United Kingdom’s Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR). ESG risk-focused strategies are not considered sustainable according to the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation.

Allianz Global Investors

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