Sustainability | ~ 2 min. read

Welcome to Sustainability Now

Sustainability has become intrinsic to investing, so we have created this blog to deliver our latest perspectives and ideas on investing sustainably.

We are launching this blog for several reasons. As sustainability has become an intrinsic part of investing, there is a lot of ground to cover. From regulation to deforestation, from net zero to social inclusion – we wanted to create a dynamic channel whereby we can be agile in bringing the latest perspectives and ideas.

Above all, we will take our lead from the topics that you want to hear about. Through our conversations with clients, we know what issues and opportunities are top of mind, and you often tell us which topics you’d like our perspective on.

In addition to our ongoing dialogue with you, and the thought leadership and insights we publish, this blog offers a new channel for sharing our thoughts.

We will start with bi-monthly updates, but we will bring you up-to-date commentary on the issues that count – whether they are conversations in the week’s news or structural trends that are shaping sustainable investing. We will provide the latest perspectives and ideas on new themes and developments on existing themes.

After all, this is a fast-evolving area. As we’ve seen in recent months with the shocking war in Ukraine, attitudes are shifting on topics ranging from energy security to defence. We can play a role in those discussions.

This blog also provides a more informal forum for sustainability topics. We know sustainable investing can be complex – it can often be difficult to see the wood for the trees (speaking of deforestation). We want to foster a conversation – devoid of jargon and cliché – that illuminates complex areas like regulation or net zero or impact investing.

Because we know that making progress on the challenges that affect our planet – and seizing the opportunities of change – takes collaboration. Nobody makes much progress alone. And the strongest foundation for collaboration is common understanding, transparent dialogue, and unambiguous shared goals.

That’s why we launched Sustainability Now. And we look forward to sharing more with you.

Recent insights

Sustainability | ~ 4 min read

Emerging concerns - including health and technology use - are highlighting the need to better protect children by considering their rights as material issues.

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Stewardship | ~ 4 min read

As active investors our stewardship of clients’ assets is an important responsibility. With proxy voting core to this, we follow up on our blog post on environmental and social trends in this year’s AGM season by looking at the corporate governance issues that once again raised concerns.

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Stewardship | ~ 4 min read

Incorporating environmental and social considerations into proxy voting is essential. However, changing perspectives emerged in the 2024 voting season.

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